Each season has its own romantic flavor. In the spring, it is flowers and blooming plants. In the summer, it is the beach, lake, sunshine, rainbows, and summer vacations. In the fall, it is fall colors. In the winter, it is the beauty of falling snow, an escape to a tropical resort and time together for the holidays. Certain weather events can bring out romantic feelings. Great weather combined with a feeling of romance can make us think of flowers, Valentine's Day, romantic love, and happy memories. Below are some of the common impressions from specific weather:

Warm and sunny: the urge to go outside and do thing outside with your lover 

RAINBOW : the colors of the prism show beauty and awe and can remind of the beauty of your lover.
Snow: each snowflake is its own work of crystal art and the way the flakes float through the air and drift around is a beauty of nature

Rain on roses: the wetting of roses bring out their softness, gloss, color and beauty 

Wind: can hear the noises created by wind, beautiful hair wafting in the wind

Weather can have an interesting influence on moods. Changes in sunlight, pressure, temperature and other factors can suddenly put the mind in a different frame. A storm event can suddenly put us in a different mood. We just seem to somehow feel different during different weather events. For example, if someone loves thunderstorms and snow storms they will get a special feeling of happiness when these events happen. It is simply a love for this type of weather! This love can rub off on those around us. Romance can flourish when our minds are happy and stimulated. 

Weather is one of those stimulants.
As the weather changes, think about the way you feel. You will discover all sorts of interesting connections between your moods and romance depending on the weather. If there is weather that makes you happy then enjoy it and if it is unhappy weather think about how great it will be when the happy weather comes back.

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